101 best deadpool tattoo ideas you’ll have to see to believe!

Вдохновляясь фильмами: 16 крутых тату с любимыми киноперсонажами

The Harley Quinn And Deadpool Tattoos For Anarchists

@bruklintattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

There is no other way to describe the likes of Deadpool and Harley Quinn better than those immortal words – “Some men just want to watch the world burn.” (And sometimes a woman as well!) Wade and Harley are the two most eccentric characters ever to be introduced in any fiction and possibly the most loved as well. They love chaos, anarchy, unsettling the powers of the world, and fight some bad guys in due process. Their twisted sense of justice and logic are only what matters to them and nothing else. So if you are someone who faces the same kind of problem answering to authority, these types of tattoos are just for you.

Рисунок по клеточкам

Дэдпул – это герой из комиксов, который многим нравится благодаря своей несерьёзности и очень много болтает. Назвать этого персонажа хорошим нельзя, но и злодеем он не является.

Если вы хотите узнать как нарисовать Дэдпула легко, предлагаем начать с обычного примера, который выполняется по клеточкам:

  1. Рисуем голову.

    Форма напоминает перевёрнутое яйцо. С помощью фигур похожих на ромб отметим места глаз на маске персонажа. Обозначим места зрачков.

  2. С левой стороны начнём рисовать руку. Так как наш персонаж любит шутить, отметим эту черту рукой. Она будет показывать большой палец вверх. Прорисовываем с помощью линий каждый палец. Добавляем к этой руке рукав.
  3. Изображаем плечи. Наносим тонкими линиями элементы костюма. Прорисовываем лямку рюкзака. Детализируем перчатку на руке. На заднем плане изображаем рукояти мечей. Добавляем к рукоятям вертикальные полосы.
  4. Наводим контуры рисунка и начинаем раскрашивать.

    Места глаз, плечи, лямку рюкзака закрашиваем чёрным. Таким же образом поступаем с перчаткой и рукоятями мечей. Все остальные детали заштриховываем красным цветом. Желательно использовать бордовый. Теневые участки отмечаем на персонаже серым карандашом.

Как рисуется Дэдпул пошагово простым способом разобрались.

1. Black and Gray Deadpool Tattoos

If you want a risky Deadpool tattoo, go for black and gray application. The iconic red suit doesn’t need color to look dynamic if your artist has mastered shading, solid linework, and crisp alternative fill techniques.

You can see in the first example how proper shading can differentiate between lighter and darker areas of Deadpool’s costume, but you need to be confident in your artist’s ability to create the right kind of piece. The second tattoo is good conceptually however it’s etched with so much black that it creates a muddy perception in places. Areas like the hands, for example, lose fine detail components through this technical choice.

Placement Ideas

Placement area for your Deadpool tattoo is a matter of personal choice, and it will also depend on the design and size of the image that you want to draw. If it is a huge totem, the back will be the best place to have it, but it can also make an excellent sleeve or leg tattoo.

You can also have some medium size ones on the upper arm or thigh for ladies. And just like with any other body marking, the small ones will look best on the ankle, wrist, at the back of the hand or even on the fingers.

In short…

If you are a comic lover or just love Deadpool then having his tattoo is an excellent idea. It also has several meanings, and so it will not just be a cool image. However, you should choose a good design and also use a skilled artist to draw it so that it can depict the actual character in detail.


Рисуем Дэдпула в стиле Чиби

Ещё один простой пример рисования. Попробуем изобразить не страшного, а наоборот, милого персонажа. Такие рисунки называют Чиби. Они отличаются своей прелестью и оригинальностью и понравятся даже девочкам.

Рисовать эту картинку можно любыми материалами, мы на megamaster.info используем чёрную ручку и фломастеры. Готовы получить милый рисунок? Тогда приступаем:

  1. Рисуем с помощью линий и дуг глазки.

    Они должны быть узкими. Наводим контуры головы. Придаём ей округлый вид сверху, и слегка заострённый снизу. Сверху прорисовываем закрученный кончик маски.

  2. Обводим глаза с помощью окружностей. На каждый глаз используем по две окружности. От глаз в верхнюю часть маски проводим линии.
  3. Спускаемся. Нарисуем туловище персонажа. Изображаем две полосы. Рядом с правой ведём линии руки. В руке нарисуем маленький пистолет. Изобразить его можно с помощью нескольких треугольников. Добавляем курок, в котором нарисуем палец. И прорисуем текстуру.
  4. Рисуем на туловище ремень персонажа. Нужно изобразить три круга и разделить их по центру вертикальной линией.

    Изображаем на ремне аксессуары и кобуру. Внизу нарисуем штаны. Ножки должны быть миниатюрными. Добавляем обувь.

  5. Теперь нужно добавить вторую руку. Её изображаем, как и первую. А в ней разместим нож. Лезвие ножа делаем зубчатым. В этом нам помогут зигзаги. Осталось только добавить меч, который находится за спиной персонажа. Рукоять украшаем линиями, чтобы получить ромбы.
  6. Как рисуется Дэдпул просто узнали, теперь раскрасим полученную картинку. Для основной части костюма используем красный фломастер или карандаш. Остальные детали окрашиваем чёрным фломастером и простым карандашом.

Если вы нарисовали эту картинку, рекомендуем переходить к более сложным изображениям.

The Deadpool Tattoo For The Original Comic Book Geeks

@brownstattoos via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Much before Ryan Reynolds was roped in to play the merc Wade Wilson in the ‘Deadpool’ movie franchise, the character was already popularised by the 90s comic book culture. Geeks swore by these comics and identify themselves as the original fans of the character as they knew him many years before the movie franchise hit the theatres, making Wade almost a household name. If you are such an enthusiast who swears by the comics rather than the movies, then these Deadpool tattoos are apt for you. These tattoos use the 90s comics as a reference and create compelling narratives by borrowing the template from these original comics. The yellow speech bubbles usually contain some of the most iconic dialogues of Deadpool, and you can customise these designs accordingly. You can select any panel from the best Deadpool comics of your choice and show off to your buddies.

Варианты, стили, композиции

Сам рисунок Дэдпула может наноситься в одиночном варианте или с дополнением марвеловских персонажей. Изображение очень редко исполняется в черно — белом варианте. Обычно он набивается с использованием палитры красного и черного цветов, потому что в таком варианте будет красочно выглядеть его костюм.

Не редко можно встретить эскизы персонажа в компании с Росомахой. В цветном исполнении татуировки применяются технологии нью – скул, акварель или трэш – полька. Касательно масштаба рисунка – его можно исполнять как в миниатюре, так и большим.

Можно использовать дополнительные надписи с соответствующей мотивацией. В исполнениях татуировки имеются не редкие случаи изображения Дэдпула в образе Мэрилин Монро, кошки из мультфильма «Hello Kitty», Санта Клауса, лего – человечка, а для любителей жанра «хоррор» в обличье зомби.

Места для нанесения

Самыми распространенными участками человеческого тела для исполнения данного изображения являются спина, плечо, предплечье, бедро. В очень редких случаях можно встретить человека с татуировкой на локте.

4. Realistic Deadpool Tattoos

Thanks to the film work of Ryan Reynolds, most people now know what Deadpool looks like in ‘real life.‘ Creating a tattoo taking illustrative artwork into the realm of photorealism is that much easier now. You can see in the first tattoo above, that the artist has effectively brought a frame from the movie to life on the skin. The light source and shading provide depth in delineating a realistic three-dimensional person in a mask. There’s visible texture in the leather of the mask and the fingers of his gloves and the proportions fit with artistic expressions of human anatomy which are essential elements for developing a realistic Deadpool tattoo.

Goofy Deadpool Tattoos

A major reason for Deadpool’s success is that he’s a goofy character who mixes action with humor. Even before Ryan Reynolds played him on film, it was a hallmark of the character on the page. While you can focus on that serious side, you can just as easily lean into the goofball part of Deadpool’s personality and use tattoo styles that lend themselves to cleverly depicting this aspect of the character.

New wave creations, like the first example above, exaggerates design elements like dimension and anatomy, while choosing a bold color palette of red, black, brown and grey that gives the whole tattoo an over the top, cartoon quality. 

Intense Deadpool Tattoos

For all of Deadpool’s silliness, it’s worth remembering the character is a nearly immortal hitman for hire. That means there’s an intense side to him that can be explored heavily in ink. These intense Deadpool tattoos bring that element of menacing intensity to the forefront. The first tattoo uses an exaggerated, illustrative style bordering on hyper realism to display atwisted and deformed character. Negative space and white highlights create a smooth, glossy texture on the mask and give it a surplus of depth shown by all of those wrinkles, which are brought to life by the interplay of light and dark texture.

The Badass Deadpool Holding A Rocket Launcher Tattoo

@armijo_of2 via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Some of the key reasons behind the raging popularity of Deadpool as a character is not only his flamboyance or love for theatrics and the abundant pop culture references throughout the movies but his nonsensical attitude and sarcastic quips. Wade not only mouths some of the best dialogues of the Marvel Universe but his eccentricity throughout the films have earned him the endearment of the fans. So a list of Deadpool tattoos is incomplete without the iconic red-suited Wade holding a badass firearm such as a rocket launcher in his quintessential style and aiming it towards other people – much like in the movies where he kept breaking the fourth wall and addressing the audience. This surely is one piece of body art to die for.

The Lego Themed Little Deadpool Tattoo

@k.j.tattoo via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

It is quite hard to find people who do not like the ‘Lego’ film franchise and even more hard to come across who hate both the ‘Lego’ and ‘Deadpool’ movies. So it is ingenious to combine some of the most lovable characters to create these Lego-themed Deadpool tattoos for the fans who want the best of both. These Deadpool tattoos inspired by the Lego characters are not only lovable and cute but also includes the characteristic eccentricity of Wade and the charisma too. These small Deadpool tattoos will melt the heart of almost anyone you show them off to.

Картинка на крафт бумаге

Это интересный способ яркого рисования. Используя такую основу и карандаши, вы сможете получить красивый и выделяющийся рисунок. Кроме крафт-бумаги, подготовьте: чёрную ручку, простой карандаш и ластик. Для раскрашивания потребуется: белый, серый, чёрный, красный и бордовый цвет.

Вы можете рисовать и на обычной бумаге. Если всё необходимое у вас есть под рукой, можно начинать рисование:

  1. На первом этапе прорисуем контуры маски.

    Разделите эту деталь на 4 части. Так у нас получатся швы, которые будут проходить через голову.

  2. Выделим область глаз. Здесь нужно нарисовать формы похожие на овальные. Добавляем немного заострённости сверху и снизу. Теперь в центре этих форм нужно изобразить разрезы для зрачков. Глаз, расположенный справа, сделаем уже, получится слегка прищуренный вид.
  3. На этом этапе нам нужно прорисовать тело персонажа. Шею, в нашем случае, видно не будет. Сразу от головы ведём линию плеч и рук. Руки располагаем на переднем плане. Кисти будут скрещены в пальцах. Прорисовываем пальчики и аксессуары на руках. Детализируем костюм. Добавляем за спиной рукояти, разделяем их короткими чёрточками.
  4. Переходим к раскрашиванию. Для начала белым карандашом отметим те участки, на которые падает свет.

    Тени добавляем с помощью серого карандаша. Теперь можно добавить к цветам и чёрные элементы. С помощью бордового и красного вносим в костюм яркие элементы. Закрашиваем все оставшиеся детали костюма. Используя чёрный карандаш, добавляем контраст на картинку, а ручкой прорисуем мелкие детали.


What Does this Tattoo Mean?

Comic character tattoos are just for fun, and most people will only have them because they love what it depicts. However, what most do not know is that each character’s image will have various meanings, and this will mostly come from how he behaves in the comic or movie.

Personality and other traits can also influence what your villain or superhero tattoo will mean and so it is important to understand all this before getting inked.

Deadpool is an unpredictable person, and this has always been so ever since he came into the scene in the 90’s. In fact, he is so unpredictable that there has always been a debate on whether he is a hero, anti-hero or villain.

And so this means that having his image anywhere on your body can also symbolize that you are an unpredictable person, or you just believe that nobody can predict your next cause of action.

He is also mentally unstable as a result of the experiments he went through and so this fact can also give some meaning to your tattoo.

Although no one would want to symbolize that he or she is mentally unstable having this tattoo can show that you have some mental struggles that you are trying to overcome.

The primary power that Deadpool possess is the ability to heal very fast by regenerating his dead tissues at a rate that is quicker than any other living thing.

And so having a Deadpool tattoo can also symbolize resilience or the ability to overcome any difficult situation in life quickly and also come out stronger than you were before. It can also mean that you are a conqueror because no amount of pain or injury can be able to bring you down.

Other common meanings that one can associate with this tattoo include strength, healing, and love of comics.

The Dynamic Grayscale Deadpool Tattoo

@9thgategallery via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Black and grey are the classic colours and the primary choice for any type of tattoo. However, confused fans would like to know how the iconic red Deadpool suit will look in those monotonous colours. Well, these types of Deadpool tattoos will surely end all those speculations. Deadpool’s classic bright red suit does not always need colours to achieve a dynamic appearance if the shading of these tattoos is executed perfectly. Notice how the masterful technique of shading will separate the darker shades from the light ones, lending the overall design a crisp and stunning look. However, search for an experienced, professional tattoo artist who is acquainted with solid linework and shading techniques for the tattoo to be done right.

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Обои на которых есть дэдпул


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Ещё картинки

Как поэтапно рисовать Дэдпула из комиксов Marvel

Список уроков:

В наших урока посвящен тому, Как поэтапно рисовать Дэдпула из комиксов Marvel, вы увидите множество примеров того, как можно изобразить антигероя. Выбирайте урок на свой вкус: несколько вариантов лиц Дедпула, герой с гранатой и оружием, в стиле чиби. 

Дэдпул или Уэйд Уилсон — сумасшедший герой комиксов Marvel. Большинству нравится в персонаже то, что он совершенно не серьезен и постоянно болтает. Дедпула нельзя назвать злодеем, но он и не герой. Уилсон нечто среднее. После того как ему вживили гены Росомахи, а любовницей стала сама Смерть, Дедпул стал практически бессмертным. В замен бессмертия, герой стал «уродом» поэтому всегда носит маску.

Вам понадобятся:

  1. Карандаш
  2. Фломастеры или цветные карандаши
  3. Лист бумаги
  4. Ластик

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The Guardians Of The Galaxy And Deadpool Tattoo Sleeve

@tattoosbyren via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

For the die-hard Marvel fans with a liking for tattoos, it is never too many no matter how many characters you cram in their favourite piece of body art. For those tattoo enthusiasts, these types of tattoos are perfectly suitable where suited Wade meets the Guardians of the Galaxy. The hyper-realistic Deadpool’s tattoo is coupled with some of the fan favourite Avengers – Groot and Rocket. These cool tattoos inspired by the Avengers’ films throw Deadpool into the mix of heroes, thus satisfying fans who have been clamouring for Deadpool’s presence in the hero ensemble ever since the ‘Deadpool’ movies hit the theatres.

The Deadpool Logo Tattoo For First-Timers

@neftis.silvershadow via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

Some tattoos can be complex and a bit too much for many people. Especially if you are a first-timer looking to get inked for the first time or someone on a tight budget, some tattoo designs might be quite a bit difficult for you. If you fall in either of the above categories, fret not we got you covered. This Deadpool logo is not only a little and simple tattoo, but the minimal approach gives it a rather cool look. These types of minimalist tattoos are not only cost-effective but also need very little space and commitment for the customers. Hence if you have never got any tattoos before, go for this cool one surely.

The Venom And Deadpool Tattoos For The Antihero Fans

@iron_ink_brotherhood via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

One of the main reasons why Deadpool and Venom are so popular among fans is that they are seldom black and white characters – instead, they loom in the grey region of our moral compass. People are really tired of films almost always depicting their protagonists and antagonists in a one dimensional way, with the antagonist always being defeated at the end. So Marvel decided to take matters into their hands and churned out standalone films of these antiheroes who are not one dimensional but realistic – characters who are not inherently evil but normal people who made some really bad choices in life. So if you can relate to them, get a piece of the action by having these tattoos inked on your body.

Wade Wilson or Deadpool tattoos are trending within the tattoo communities presently and will continue to do so as long as new ‘Deadpool’ movies are dropped periodically. But think before blindly jumping onto the bandwagon and getting a Deadpool tattoo yourself – whether it goes with your personality and style statement. These Deadpool tattoos are mostly a costly affair and need to be pondered over before getting one. And if you are sure you want one of these tattoos, always ensure that you have selected a professional and experienced tattoo artist who possess the skill to execute them flawlessly.

feature image from Pinterest

Deadpool Tattoo Ideas

The team-up of Wolverine with Deadpool has reignited the spark of Deadpool tattoos among fans. Here are some of the most fabulous ideas that you can try –

1. The Merc with a Mouth: Deadpool’s face is iconic, with or without a mask. You can opt for a face tattoo along with his signature and two swords crossed behind him. It can be done in any size or color to make it stand out.

2. Deadpool and Death: The relationship between Deadpool and Death is often explored in comics. Death is central to his story arc. An excellent tattoo would that feature a silhouette of both characters set against a starry night sky for an ethereal look.

3. Masked Deadpool: Deadpool hides a lot of pain behind his mask. A compelling design can capture the more severe side of Wade Wilson as he wears his iconic mask only halfway down.

4. Skateboarder Deadpool: Try an upbeat design that shows Deadpool enjoying a carefree day on his skateboard. It can be perfect for those looking to show off their love of Deadpool.

5. Deadpool and Cable: For fans of the original X-Men comic books, a tattoo featuring Deadpool and his quasi-ally/rival, Cable, can be an excellent way to pay homage. Cable and Wade Wilson are two characters with opposing views on life but remain friends. Therefore, a matching best friend tattoo can feature both characters in a classic embrace in front of an American flag backdrop.

6. Deadpool Love: A romantic tattoo of Deadpool in a loving embrace with his beloved Vanessa is sure to be an eye-catching design. This heart-touching tattoo can feature the iconic red and black costume and his unmasked look.

7. Smiling Deadpool: A tattoo of Deadpool’s signature smile and mischievous expression is sure to bring some smiles wherever it’s seen. You can customize this classic idea with comic-style colors or specially added motifs that are meaningful to you.

8. Classic Comic Book Cover: One of the most popular ideas for a Deadpool tattoo is a recreation of one of the original comic book covers featuring him—an excellent way for avid fans to follow his story since the 90s.

9. Deadpool Logo: Another popular option is to get the iconic logo from the original comics—a skull with crossed swords behind it. You can do this in black and white or add color for a more eye-catching result.

10. Deadpool Mask: A tattoo featuring the iconic mask of Deadpool is an excellent choice for anyone who wants to show their fandom in a subtle yet stylish way.

11. Deadpool vs. Wolverine: An epic showdown between two of Marvel’s most beloved characters makes for an excellent tattoo idea. If you like the classic rivalry between these two, this might be the perfect design.

Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds’s friendship has made this idea even more compelling. Deadpool 3 will earn one billion USD at the box office for sure.

12. Deadpool and Spiderman: Another excellent idea for paying homage to two of Marvel’s most beloved characters is a tattoo featuring Deadpool and Spiderman together. It’s a shame that Marvel has not yet teamed up Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool with Tom holland’s Spider-man, but we can hope it happens in the future.

13. Chibi Deadpool: Who doesn’t love chibi art? A chibi-style Deadpool tattoo will turn heads with its cute yet edgy style. Usually, Chibi art is limited to anime characters, but the fourth-wall-breaking anti-hero can be adapted in this style.

14. Quote Tattoo: The Merc With a Mouth quoted many memorable dialogues in comic books and movies. From classic quips like “Maximum effort.” to newer ones like “You are not my friend—you are just my chronic illness,” there are plenty of quotes to choose from.

You can also choose Deadpool quoting Stan lee’s quotes which will be his signature style of pop culture references.

15. Chimichanga-Loving Deadpool: Comic book fans knows that this is Deadpool’s favorite food. In one storyline, he even opened a stall that sold delicious chimichanga. It would be a unique idea to try a tattoo that shows Deadpool appreciating his love for this famous Mexican burrito.

16. Deadpool and Domino: Deadpool can go along with just anybody. That is why he is teamed up with so many different Marvel characters. Domino is the one-time love interest, Deadpool, and trying the couple as a tattoo design would be a unique choice.

17. Weapon-Toting Deadpool: Wade Wilson’s love for weapons is not hidden. He is often shown with a different arsenal of weapons. You can try Deadpool holding any excellent weapon and pointing at the viewer.

18. Deadpool’s Heart: Such a tattoo will celebrate Wade Wilson’s softer side with an image of his heart beating strong inside of him. It is harrowing to know that you are just a comic book character and that Deadpool has to bear this weight daily with a smile.

The Friends And Deadpool Crossover Tattoo

@dark.tattz via Instagram – Love this design? Try a Temporary Tattoo

This Deadpool body art happens to be one of our most favourite. It brings the best of both comedy, satire and bit of seriousness in the comic lore. No wonder, a great tattoo with Friends pose would look great. And the best part is the whole design which brings a fusion between Marvel Heroes and DC heroes? All these characters are arranged to seat in accordance with the F.R.I.E.N.D.S cult pose, with the name of the show looming in behind. This Deadpool tattoo design offers you the best of both worlds (Marvel and DC) and then some more!

Design Variations

The current level of creativity when it comes to tattooing is awe-inspiring, and it means that you can draw any tattoo in endless ways.

And so you can have a comic character like Deadpool in many designs and the creativity and skills of your artist are probably the only things that may restrict you. However, just like with all other tattoo designs there are a few variations that most people seem to prefer.

The following five are some of these tattoo designs.

Deadpool Logo 

Some people will always prefer keeping things simple when it comes to tattooing, but this does not mean that they cannot have a stylish and meaningful body marking.

For the Deadpool totem, the simplest design variation entails drawing his logo which is just the round red head with two large black eyes. It is a very straightforward tattoo design but just like with any other type you can still spice it up to make it look impressive.

3D Designs

A photorealistic representation of this famous anti-hero is also very common with modern tattoo enthusiasts. Having him in 3D can give one a very appealing body marking, and this is more so if the artist is very skilled and experienced.

You can have a 3D image of the popular character from the comic or the real human image from the movie.

Deadpool in Action

Modern day tattoos give you the opportunity to incorporate some action into your body marking. The tattoo artists of the 21st century are very skilled, and they use advanced machines that give them the ability to draw anything that you want.

It is very common to see people with a Deadpool tattoo that depicts him in action, and he can either be wielding swords or a gun. This design is perfect for his die hard fans because it enables them to see him in action anytime they feel like it.

Comic Deadpool

The comic depiction of Deadpool in a tattoo is fascinating, and it is the type of tattoo design that will always start a conversation anywhere you go. This design entails drawing a page or a small part of it with the speech bubbles and replacing the words with something exciting or naughty.

Baby Deadpool

It is very rare for any comic book to depict this character as a baby, but this does not stop people from imagining how he would look like as a toddler. And so this is the reason why it is very common to see a design variation that entails drawing him as a baby.


На этом гиперреалистичном тату изображена одна из любимых поз супергероя вселенной «Марвел». Она символизирует преувеличенное удивление с оттенком гротеска и сарказма. Без сомнения, это отличный вариант для тех, кто любит Дэдпула и является поклонником фильмов и комиксов с его участием. Поражает глубина детализации рисунка на коже. Кажется, что смотришь на фотографию.

Быстрый поиск и нет просроченных лекарств: наводим порядок в домашней аптечке

Ученые из Великобритании и Италии разработали «умные» светящиеся татуировки

Россиянам предлагают пользоваться биометрическими данными

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: